Boston Dynamics
Previous owners:
Google (USA)
Softbank (JAPAN)
Current owner:
Hyundai (S Korea)
What is the Future?
What will happen to us?
In future, People will work at all? how people will cover spending?
the video covered Pro and Con.
South Korea is already working on it.
after the pandemic, is everything will be the same as before? or people will continue wearing masks, or forcing people to wear masks and work remotely. No one knows, Lot's of guessing games.
Whatever you believe, we all have to prepare and ask, Am I essential? can I be replaced? what are my options?
Politics are politics, but more automation, such as self driving cars.
My guess? wealth will bring more wealth, Poor level people start think they don't have a chance to move to next level, populism will take over the politics.
everyone will demand free money.
pointed out something that hit me hard on my head
This graph indicates, where the Government social benefit goes to person. it's on up-trend and recently, it hiked and showing declining trend. However, our govt debt level is high, printing lots of money, and expanded Unemp benefits. back in the time, govt was able to spend the money on infrastructure, new airports, highways, railroads and etc.
however, now days, if things are turning into automation, more people will be laid off from their job, that spending will have to increase more. Money won't circulate the way it should be, but it will be in circulation of paying govt debt (Japan is spending about 30% their annual budget to paying their interest on the debt they issued) and social benefits.
This is Japan's GDP 1985-2019. Dr Lacy Hunt''s warning to everyone, United States might go same path as Japan. issue more debt, and not getting enough inflation, growth gets stagnant, and it's a debt trap.
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